JoNeF project – Joint Network for wild Fungi

Logo JoNef

The project JoNeF, that means Joint Network  for wild Fungi, presented in November 2022 by ISPRA to IMPEL (European Union Network for the Implementation and Enforcement of Environmental Law), was approved by the General Assembly on 8th June 2023.

The project started in July 2023 and will end in December 2024.

ISPRA is the Project Leader and will contribute with 4 staff units. At the moment the project involves 21 European countries, but other member states or institution may be involved, with the aim of creating a network of stakeholders interested in the knowledge and conservation of macromycetes in Europe.

In recent years, the awareness of the need to include the Fungi Kingdom into European environmental policies, on a par with Animals and Plants, has grown, in order to protect these organisms in their habitats. Therefore, JoNeF’s main goal is to integrate Fungi into biodiversity monitoring plans, in the European legislation on nature protection and in decision-making processes, to implement a comprehensive conservation strategy.

In this context, the project aims to establish common procedures for the census and monitoring of macromycetes in Europe as a basis for the development of homogeneous data collection activities in the EU.

National environmental institutions and Ministries can coordinate these activities, involving mycological associations, private entities and universities in the collection of data. The IMPEL Network is the right place to work together for institutions that are implementing their national Fungi monitoring systems or intending to do it. With this spirit JoNeF was born.

The CBD (Convention on Biological Diversity,1992) is the main legislative driver for JoNeF.

Non-legislative drivers include:

By the end of 2024, the JoNeF project aims to develop a Guidance providing recommendations and proposals for the inclusion of mushrooms in environmental policies.

Currently, Countries involved in the project are 21 (see the map):

    • Albania, National Environment Agency
    • Croatia, State Inspectorate of the Republic of Croatia
    • France, INRAE
    • Greece, Forest Research Institute – Elgo Dimitra
    • Greece, University of Thesaly
    • Hungary, Ministry of Agriculture
    • Iceland, Icelandic Institute of Natural History
    • Ireland, Teagasc
    • Italy, Italian Institute for the Environmental Protection and Research – ISPRA
    • Kosovo, Ministry of Environment Spatial Planning and Infrastructure
    • Kosovo, Universiteti i Prishtinës
    • Latvia, Latvian Museum of Natural History
    • Lithuania, Department of Environmental Protection under the Ministry of Environment
    • Malta, Environment and Resources Authority (ERA)
    • Malta, EcoGozo Directorate
    • Montenegro, Environmental Protection Agency of Montenegro
    • North Macedonia, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje, Faculty of Natural Science and Mathematics, Institute of Biology, Mycological Laboratory
    • Poland, University of Łódź
    • Portugal, Centre for Functional Ecology, University of Coimbra
    • Portugal, Universidade de Évora
    • Romania, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi
    • The Netherlands, Omgevingsdienst Noord-Holland Noord
    • The Netherlands, Dutch Mycological Society
    • Sweden, SLU Artdatabanken / Swedish Species Information Centre
    • Switzerland, Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research WSL
    • UK, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew

JoNeF members include also the  Fungal Diversity Survey (FUNDIS) and the Society for the Protection of Underground Networks (SPUN).

The first product of the JoNeF project was approved by the General Assembly at its meeting on June 26-28, 2024: the JoNeF Survey Report.

The JoNeF project will be proposed for a second phase (2025-2027), with the objective of developing a common European process for the acquisition of data and macrofungal indicators for forest biodiversity and for the assessment of habitat quality and climate change.

Site visit in Italy

Site visit in Bucharest

In the week 10-15 August 2024, the JoNeF project participated in the 12th International Congress of Mycology (12IMC), which was held in Maastricht.

Participation in 12IMC

Link to the IMPEL JoNeF webpage